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GetDesignTimeLicense WinForms designer load error

I have installed my licensed copy of WinForms 10.3 controls on a new PC.

Whenever I open a WinForm with defined Infragistics controls, I get an error like:

at Infragistics.Shared.UltraLicenseProvider.GetDesignTimeLicense(Type type, Object instance, Boolean allowExceptions, UltraLicenseBaseAttribute licenseAttribute)
at Infragistics.Shared.UltraLicenseProvider.GetLicense(LicenseContext context, Type type, Object instance, Boolean allowExceptions)
at System.ComponentModel.LicenseManager.ValidateInternalRecursive(LicenseContext context, Type type, Object instance, Boolean allowExceptions, License& license, String& licenseKey)
at System.ComponentModel.LicenseManager.Validate(Type type, Object instance)
at Infragistics.Win.UltraWinEditors.UltraTextEditor..ctor() 

I am using VS 2010 Ultimate on Win 7 x64.  What other steps do I need to perform in order to get the controls to load and respond in the IDE?

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