how to create sql select query from ultragrid cells values.there are checkbox column too.may be in row_initialize event ?There are in grid will be added values columns and operators (>/</==/) columns too.Any idea ?
Hello Ilkin,
I am not able to understand what you are after. Are you talking about making queries from the cell's values? Why would you need such queries, what are your scenario and final goal?
I am checking about the progress of this issue. Please let me know If you need any further assistance on this.
Hello Boris .
Thanks I did myself.But I have another question.So,
I have ultragrid which datasource is datatable.there are valuelist column too on this grid.I fill this source datatable from another ultragrid(selecting checkboxes of grid).So,first i select cell from first grid it appears on secondgrid.Then I set valuelist items on second grid too.Problem is : if I return to first grid to select another checkbox the selecting valuelist items of second grid return to default state.As unsetted.
FIRST GRID (I select checkbox-selected rows add to-> ) TABLE (this table is datasource of ->) SECOND GRID.(Valuelist is on second grid).For example I selected items from valuelist.if I return to first column to select another checkbox after check event valuelist items of second grid return to default state.Not set state.
If any help give please.
Hello Boris.
I did it myself.Thanks.
Thank you for your post. I got confused by this scenario, I am not sure what you are doing exactly. Is it possible to provide a small sample project with the scenario?