How to change ultragrid column style depends on its value.Set different style for only one column.
Thanks in advance
You could achieve this, by setting different 'Style' to the different 'UltraGridCell' objects on a particular row:
...Row.Cells[0].Style = Style.Font;
I think that we have already discussed this in another forum thread, created by you, please correct me if I am wrong.
If you need a particular sample project, please let me know of the exact requirements, I will be happy to assist you further on this.
Hello Toromanov.
I will add rows to ultragrid row by row.And every time I need programmatically set column[1] style different.Combo,Text,Dropdownlist ..
If you are adding rows manually in run-time, you could hook to the InitializeRow and assign the style to the cell based on some condition. You could use the above code.