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how to clear all data and layout of a ultragrid without its summeries layout ?

Is there any way to set the datasource of a ultragrid without removing its summarize layout?

I have a ultragrid(gvResult) in my winform application.

User can select the columns and also set the sort of them in another form and then apply these changes to gvResult by pressing Apply button.

In addition gvResult must show a row counter summary.

I had to clear gvResult, like below, before applying user's changes to it, otherwise the sort of its columns had not changed to what the user had set.

gvResult.DataSource = new DataTable();
.DataSource = dataTable_With_New_Set_And_Sort_of_Columns;

but this code have another problem! It removes the row counter summery too, with the other layout settings of gvResult.I searched on infragistics forum and i fined the following code, but it has the first problem, I mean the sort of the columns will remain without any changes.

 BindingSource bs = new BindingSource();
 bs.DataSource = typeof(DataTable);
 bs.DataSource = dataTable_With_New_Set_And_Sort_of_Columns;
 gvResult.DataSource = bs;

Do you have any suggestions?

Excuse me because of my poor english language.

I'm waiting for any suggestions......

Why no one answered?! Please help me..

No Data
  • 469350
    Offline posted


    If you set the DataSource property on the grid, the grid throws away the current DisplayLayout in favor of a new layout for the new data source.

    So there are a number of ways you can handle this:

    1) Don't set the DataSource, but instead, change the data in the existing data source to the new data you want.

    2) Save the DisplayLayout before you set the DataSource and then restore it afterward. You would do this using the grid.DisplayLayout.Save and grid.DisplayLayout.Load methods.

    3) Set up your summary and other layout-related setting in the InitializeLayout event of the grid, which will fire whenever the grid's DataSource is set.
