We are using Infragistics3.Documents.Excel.v12.1 (Version 12.1.20121.2008) and have an issue with region specific formulas. Using a system with the region and language set to German, the evaluation of the following formula fails: =TEXT(A1;"0,00"), the value in cell A1 is 1,6666.
Excel shows the correct value of "1,67", with infragistics the value is interpreted as "002". It seems, when interpreting this formula, the invariant culture is used instead of the current system culture. Do we have to set the culture explicitly before reading the cell's value?
I have attached a small program using the infragistics lib and an example Excel file.
This appears to be a bug in the text formatting logic, which is always treating the comma as the group separator. I have forwarded this post to the Developer Support Manager and a DS engineer will be contacting you about this issue.
This case has been assigned to me and I will submit the issue to our development team for further review. I will get back to you with a reference number as soon as I have done so.
I have submitted this issue to our development team with reference number TF131785. A Support case has been opened for you that is connected to this ticket and you will receive more information through the support case when the issue has been resolved.