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Skipping Weekends on Composite Line Chart w/ NumericTimeSeries

So I have a Composite Chart made up of Line Chart layers with the X-Axis representing a bunch of dates, and the Y-Axes representing numeric values.  Since the Series representing the data are NumericTimeSeries, the graph adds weekends to the X-Axis even though the data supplied are strictly weekdays.

I can switch to NumericSeries, but it doesn't draw anything unless I change the Axis.DataType to AxisDataType.String, and the Axis.SetLabelAxisType to SetLabelAxisType.ContinuousData which is fine except that my date formatting in the Axis.Labels.ItemFormatString gets ignored ("<ITEM_LABEL:MM/dd/yyyy>").

I'd prefer to keep the NumericTimeSeries and somehow communicate that I wish for missing time intervals to be ignored, but I doubt that's possible from what I've seen in the scant documentation.  If I'm forced to treat the dates as strings, how can I force them to be formatted the way I need?


By the way, I'm using 2007 Volume 1 CLR 2.x Release (v7.1.20071.40).

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    Any particular reason why this thread was moved?  This is a Windows Forms / WinChart issue, not an / WebChart issue.

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