I am trying to create a Draw Filter for an appointment that is shown in the AllDayEventArea of the DayView control, but I am not having any luck isolating the proper UIElement. Can you give me an idea how to get to a specific appointment in the AllDayEvent area of this control?
Hello rehemann ,
I`m not sure for which UIelement you are talking about, but here are few of them:
- HeaderAreaUIElement
- DayHeaderAreaUIElement
- AllDayEventAreaUIElement
- AllDayEventAreaDayUIElement
- AllDayEventUIElement
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Which one of the above UIElements can get me to the an appointment in the AllDayEvent area?
Maybe one possible approach could be if you are using SelectableItem with cast to Appointments. For example:
private void ultraDayView1_MouseEnterElement(object sender, Infragistics.Win.UIElementEventArgs e)
if (e.Element.GetType() == typeof(AllDayEventUIElement))
Appointment a = ((AllDayEventUIElement)e.Element).SelectableItem as Appointment;
MessageBox.Show("This is appointment :" + a.Subject + " - " + a.StartDateTime.ToString());
Similar approach you could implement if you are using CreationFilter in your application
Let me know if you have any questions.
Maybe I'm not making myself clear. I've tried all the AllDayEvent UIElements I can think of. I can't find a way to get an APPOINTMENT object from any of them. Can you tell me how to get an appointment object from any of the AllDayEvent UIElements?
Maybe you are looking for AllDayEventUIElement