In a PDF file, there are 3 possibilities for font embedding : Full Font Embedding (Larger file size), Subset Font Embedding (Smaller file size) or No Font Embedding (Smallest file size) .
I have a report document (Infragistics.Documents.Reports.Report.Report) and i generate a PDF using publiskh method (<Object report>.Publish("c:\Test.pdf", Infragistics.Documents.Reports.Report.FileFormat.PDF)).
In my document I have many € (Euro symbol) in many différent size and font (italic, bold...) and each time i use this symbol, the whole font is embedding causing bigger file size.
Is there a solution to setting PDF to subset font embedding or no font embedding ?
Font.Preferences.Embed = false; should stop the font from being embedded.
There is also a Subset property there but I'm looking at that one closer to see it is reacts the way we expect.
I have made test with sample gallery (document). There is a sample for "Font embedding".
embeddedFontStyle.Font.Preferences.Embed =False embeddedFontStyle.Font.Preferences.Subset =False
Test 1 (no € symbol)AddContentToReport("Font Embedding and Subsetting Example ", embeddedFontStyle)Result PDF document 3ko
Test 2 (same as test1 with € symbol)AddContentToReport("Font Embedding and Subsetting Example €", embeddedFontStyle) Result PDF document 27ko
Conclusion :
Without €, embed and subset working fine.
With €, embed=false and subset=false are working as if embed=true and subset=true. It is not possible to not embed € symbol.
Stepping through the source shows me that using the € symbol will trigger an embed automatically just as you've seen in your investigation. I'm still trying to figure out the best way we can achieve the original intention and allow the control you want over the settings. I'll keep you updated as I gather information on this topic.
Just out of curiosity which version of the Documents engine are you using to generate these reports?
I have created a support ticket for you with id CAS-104373-H5W1D8, in order to investigate this for further. I will update you for the progress of my investigation as soon as I have information for you.
Thank you for using Infragistics Components.
Infragistics4.Documents.Reports.v12.2, Version=12.2.20122.2006
With previous version € symbol increased document size in the same way, but I didn't test Embed=false.
But without €, no font was embedded.