Hi all,I currently have an unbound column (int) in a WinGrid.I bind a ValueList to the ValueList property of this column that is created from an enumerator (value = int, text = string)Additionally I added a ValueBasedAppearance to the column where I provided the value from the enumerator to be of a certain color.
10 = red20 = blueetc.
Now if I fill the column without binding the ValueList in the first place the ValueBasedAppearance works fine.But with the ValueList bound to the column it doesn't.It works if I change the ValueBasedAppearance to the rextual representation of the ValueList though like this:
"invalid" = red"unknown" = blueetc.
Is there a way to use the integer based values for the ValueBasedAppearance instead of the textual one? This might be important due to the localization that occurs when creating the ValueList from the enumerator. I would have to create a lot of conditions or move the creation of the ValueBasedAppearance to the code.
Any help is kindly appreciated,have a great weekAndy
Hello Andy,
The mentioned functionality takes the underlying value of the item selected from the value list, not the displayed text. Please take a look at my sample and let me know if I misunderstood you about your scenario.
Hi Boris,Unfortunately I can not open your sample because of version incompatibility (We are using VisualStudio 2010 Proferssional).
Nevertheless I attached a sample to illustrate the problem a little bit more.The grid is bound after the button is clicked. The "SomeValue" column is bound to the ValueList and contains the ValueBasedAppearance.As you can see the colors are not picked up based on the value from the ValueList.
Let me know if you need further information or if anything doesn't work.