How can i find a ButtonTool in the ToolAreaRight protion of my UltraToolBarsManager if i know the key of the button?? I want to remove a specific buttonTool.
A code sample of finding the tool from the key and removing it from the collection will be great!!
Hello Burmo,
You could achieve this through the following code:
Please feel free to let me know if a question about our toolset comes up on your mind.
Thanks that worked.. however i have 2 more questions about this..
1) how can RE-ORDER the buttons in the ToolAreRight? I want to do a most recent list. and need to add the most recent at the top of the list and rest to follow under it.
2) how can i add an image to the button that appears on the ToolRightArea? ive tried the following code but it didnt work.
newBtnTool =NEW ButtonTool(cKey).
newBtnTool:SharedProps:Caption = cCaption.
newBtnTool:InstanceProps:AppearancesSmall:Appearance:Image = ilMdiManager:Images:Item[indx].
newBtnTool:SharedProps:DisplayStyle = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ToolDisplayStyle:ImageAndText.