I have a StackAreaChart that has been set up prior to my working on this project. I needed to put it into a chartlayer to display some other chart data over it, but now the StackAreaChart tooltip displays value of the point for that series as opposed to before when it displayed the value at which that point sits on the chart.
Any Ideas?
Hello Bryan,
It is very difficult for me to guess what is the reseaons for this behavior looking at the provided information. I try to reproduce your scenario in a small sample and I think that everything works properly. Could you please take a look at the attached sample and if you think that I didn`t reproduce your scenario, please feel free to modify this sample and revert it back to me. I`ll be glad to research it for you.
Let me know if you have any questions.
I have already solved this issue however it has been a while since I've last looked at my code. If I remember correctly, what I ended up having to do was use the DataOverItem event and set the tooltip formatstring property to:
String.Format("{0:###,###,##0.00}", CDbl(e.Primitive.Value))