Dear all,
I have a small issue with the UltraTextEditor buttons. When I add a button (or many) and select the textbox portion of the control to insert text the button(s) background colour changes from the default (white) to that in the image.
I have the DisplayStyle set to Office2010 and I've tried things such as always being in edit mood and not using OS themes. I've even looked into editing the isl file (but can't seem to find the Office2010.isl only Office2010Blue.isl, silver and black). I've also put code into the Enter, Leave, BeforeEnterEditMode and BeforeExitEditMode events to check the button BackColor and it's always 'Empty'.
What I am wanting is for the buttons to behave like StateButtons, i.e. they have a pressed, unpressed and mouse over colour. I don't want the colour of the buttons to change because the control has focus. Is this possible, or will I have to take the buttons out of the editor (which is not a big deal)?
Regards and thanks.
Sorry forgot to attach the image :(
If you are loading an isl file, then nothing you do in code will have any effect. The isl file takes precedence. So if you want to change this behavior, you will probably have to modify the isl file.
Alternately, you could tell the control not to honor the isl either by setting UseAppStyling on the control to False, or by assigning a StyleLibraryName to any arbitrary string that doesn't actually exist as a loaded isl. Using StyleLibraryName you could also point some controls to a completely different isl, if you like.