I've got a problem with the UltraNumericEdit. I specified a max value of 99.999.999. The controll allows an input with decimal places.
If I type in 99.999.999,99, I can't leave the controll anymore. The following settings were changed:
- MaskClipMode => InclueLiterals
- MaskDisplayMode => Include Both
- NumericType => Double
Any suggestions?
I'm confused. Why is this a problem?
99.999.999,99 is greater than 99.999.999 and therefore it is not a valid value, so you can't leave the control.
hello thank you for your reply which value have i choose that also ,99 is accepted by the control. or is there something else I have to set?
this input should be used for an price input.
best regards
Hello mameolan2,
I am checking about the progress of this issue. Please let me know If you need any further assistance on this.
Set MaxValue to something equal to or greater than 99.999.999,99.