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Questions using Legends

Hi there

I am using 12.1.20121.2054 of the UltraChart and am having troubles with my chart's legend. The chart is a composite chart made up of a ColumnChart and a Line chart

1/ I have assigned the Legend.Location = LegendLocation.Bottom but it still appears at the top right hand side of the chart. How can I affect this location?

            ultraChart1.Legend.DataAssociation = ChartTypeData.SplitData;
            // Add a Legend
            CompositeLegend chartLegend = new CompositeLegend();
            columnLayer.LegendItem = LegendItemType.Series;
            lineLayer.LegendItem = LegendItemType.Series;
            this.ultraChart1.Legend.Location = LegendLocation.Bottom;

2/ You will notice under the X axis it has the term "Monthly".
    I do not want to display this value, in fact I want to hide that value, but if I set the Series.Label to string.Empty or modify the label
     the legend text is also affected. How can hide the series label but leave the legend label as :Monthly" ?



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  • 53790

    Hello geoffhop,

    geoffhop said:
    1/ I have assigned the Legend.Location = LegendLocation.Bottom but it still appears at the top right hand side of the chart. How can I affect this location?

    Looking at the provided code, the mentioned behavior is expected, because:

    -   this.ultraChart1.Legend.Location - this property could be use for default legend, but when you are using Composite Legend you should specify the size and location of the legend using for example :

    CompositeLegend m_ChartLegend = new CompositeLegend();

    ColumnLayer.LegendItem = LegendItemType.Series;

    LineLayer.LegendItem = LegendItemType.Series;



    m_ChartLegend.BoundsMeasureType = MeasureType.Percentage;

    m_ChartLegend.Bounds = new Rectangle(1, 10, 18, 20);

    geoffhop said:
     2/ You will notice under the X axis it has the term "Monthly".     I do not want to display this value, in fact I want to hide that value, but if I set the Series.Label to string.Empty or modify the label      the legend text is also affected. How can hide the series label but leave the legend label as :Monthly" ?

    Could you please zip and upload again your screenshot, because we didn`t received it, but looking at the provided information, I think that you are using wrong property, because X axis lables could be hidden when using a :

    AxisItem xAxis = new AxisItem();

    xAxis.DataType = AxisDataType.String;


    xAxis.OrientationType = AxisNumber.X_Axis;

    xAxis.Labels.Visible = false;


    Let me know if you have any questions.

