We are using Infragistcs 2012.1. When we open the column chooser without any columns it is throwing the error (which was fine earlier version)
Here is the scenario. Load the ultrawingrid with datasource then Exclude all the columns form columnchooser as below
foreach (UltraGridColumn col in this.ultraGrid.DisplayLayout.Bands[0].Columns) { col.ExcludeFromColumnChooser = ExcludeFromColumnChooser.True; }
Now open column chooser, exception is getting thrown and applcaition gets crash. Please suggest on this.
I created the following case for you: 'CAS-101469-W1Q0F8' and will update you through it.
Hi Boris,
Any update in this issue?
We are currently using Infragistics version 2012.1
We also noticed that in VS2010 designer mode that if you click on the Column Choose control the same unhandled exception occurs.
Plus when the dashboard is loading and no columns are visible the same exception occurs when the user click on the same Column Chooser control.
Michael Perini
How do I post a screenshot?
You can post a screen shot by going to the Options tab and attaching an image file. Or by using the "Insert/Edit Image" button on the toolbar when posting.
But there's really no need. This is a known bug and it will be fixed in the next service release.