I have an UltraWinGrid on my APP that has a cell with a DropDownCalendar Style.
When I pick a date, it shows the date on the cell on the format, p. e., 19/09/2012. I save the value and I open my APP again and it shows "19092012".
I've tried to set the value on the INitializeLayout event with this code:
DateTime dt = Convert.ToDateTime(el.New); row.Cells["Value"].SetValue(dt, false);
DateTime dt = Convert.ToDateTime(el.New);
string date;
date = dt.Day + "/" + dt.Month + "/" + dt.Year;row.Cells["Value"].SetValue(date, false);
But, it doesn't worked.
Can you help me? Thank you.
Best regards,
Hello Maria,
Could you please try to attach if possible a small sample project reproducing the above mentioned issue, I will be happy to take a look at it.
Yes, I will explain properly.
First, I have a Cell with DropDownCalendar Style:
e.Row.Cells["Value"].Style = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.ColumnStyle.DropDownCalendar;
Then I run my APP and chose a date, per example, today:
- When the cell has focus, cell's text display "19-09-2012";
- When the cell loose focus, cell's text display "19092012".
Was I clear?