I have an UltraGrid with some columns allowed for editing and others not. I need to get such behaviour so when user clicks on editable cell it is not only enters edit mode but the row also become selected. In terms of using .CellClickAction I can reach only one of them in the same time. Is there any solution?
Thank you in advance
Hello Andrey,
You cannot have both behaviors. Entering editmode of a cell means clearing of the rows selection. What are you trying to achieve exactly, what is your final goal? You could set the .CellClickAction on the columns individually, not only in 'Override', just so you know.
Hello Boris thank you for the quick response.
Yes I know about column level settings.
Assume I have a context menu and some of it's items should be visible only if any row is selected.
User click on cell end enters edit mode. Then he invokes context menu. He is still in grid he is editing particular row but since the .Selected.Rows.Count equals to zero he is unable to perform some actions with this row from context menu.