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Changing DataSource on UltraGrid isn't being reflected in the grid

I have an UltraGrid that uses a generic list for a DataSource.  I update the list in a separate form and then re-attach the list to the UltraGrid's DataSource.  The DataSource reflects the changes, but the grid isn't showing them.  Here is my code:

List<SubtypeColorCode> subtypeColorCodes;
            if (this.subtypeColorCodesUltraGrid.DataSource is List<SubtypeColorCode>)
                subtypeColorCodes =
                //If the data source hasn't been initialized.
                subtypeColorCodes = new List<SubtypeColorCode>();
            SubtypeColorCodeForm.ShowForm(thisnew ImageServerProxy(this.tbImagingUri.Text),
            //Assign the updated subtype list back to the data source.
            this.subtypeColorCodesUltraGrid.DataSource = subtypeColorCodes;
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  • 469350
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    I don't see anything here that would cause the grid not to display the new data.

    Can you post a small sample project demonstrating the issue so we can see what's going on?
