I just want to either i can reduce the height of main ribbon. By default, within each tab, group name with buttons in it are shown. And against each button, icon + text is shown. I just want to show the icon only. So is it possible with the tool bar. Also can i change the default size of icon?
You can change the height by right clicking on control and selecting "Preferred Size" as normal and "Minimum size" as normal. You need to set both of them to normal.
Thnx ...
Actually as per Microsoft reference it seams to me that I can't reduce the height of the ribbon. That is why I have stop working on this issue and also following this thread.
But I have suggestion, why not the ribbon provide the facility to show only icons under selected Tab with no text of button & group as well.
Hello heuristic130,
We are still following this forum thread.
Please feel free to let us know if you need any further assistance with this matter.
Hi , The height of the ribbon is fixed by design. You can minimize the ribbon through its corresponding context menu, though. Note that the ribbon look and behavior must conform the Microsoft ribbon guidelines. To be able to use a ribbon in an application, one will have to sign a (free) license agreement with Microsoft, as this control is copyrighted. Please see http://msdn.microsoft.com/officeui for complete information.
Sorry i was bit buzy in other task. Will you please send me any sample in which reducing the height of the ribbon, cause right now i am unable to do so.