I just want to either i can reduce the height of main ribbon. By default, within each tab, group name with buttons in it are shown. And against each button, icon + text is shown. I just want to show the icon only. So is it possible with the tool bar. Also can i change the default size of icon?
I am just checking about the progress of this issue. Let me know If you need any further assistance on this issue?
Thank you for using Infragistics Components.
Hi , The height of the ribbon is fixed by design. You can minimize the ribbon through its corresponding context menu, though. Note that the ribbon look and behavior must conform the Microsoft ribbon guidelines. To be able to use a ribbon in an application, one will have to sign a (free) license agreement with Microsoft, as this control is copyrighted. Please see http://msdn.microsoft.com/officeui for complete information.
This thing will only remove the text, what i need is to reduce the height of ribbon. By Default its taking to much space to show tools, i just want to show them bit smaller and without text also. So giving much space to my forms to be shown.
Please do let me know in case you didn't get my point. I will try to elaborate it further.
Hello ,
Infragistics follows Microsoft Guide Lines to build our Ribbon. For more information about Ribbon Guide lines please look at the following link:
So in ribbon you could choose from several predefined sizes Default, Image Only, Normal, Large. In the designer of Visual Studio right click on the tool which you want to managed, from the context menu expand “Preferred Size ” and choose one size from the list. Also Expand Images from the context menu and set “Set Small Image…” and “Set Large Image”. If you do not want to display text next or below of the tool, set its Caption property to “” (tool.SharedProps.Caption). Also I recommend you to review the following link with information about “Working with Tool Types”:
Please let me know if you have any further questions