Hi allI am using your "UltraStatusBar".One of the panels are a MDIList.How can I set BackColors, ForeColors in there ?As you see in the attached picture, it is wraping the text andI would like to change the BackColor.Also a question is: How can I set the arround the StatusBar ?As you can see, the border gets lost ...The settings I already made are: this.ultraStatusBar_StandardMain.Panels["ultraStatusBar_PanelWindows"].SizingMode = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinStatusBar.PanelSizingMode.Spring; this.ultraStatusBar_StandardMain.Panels["ultraStatusBar_PanelWindows"].Appearance.BackColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#363939"); this.ultraStatusBar_StandardMain.Panels["ultraStatusBar_PanelWindows"].Appearance.BackColor2 = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#363939"); this.ultraStatusBar_StandardMain.Panels["ultraStatusBar_PanelWindows"].Appearance.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#363939"); this.ultraStatusBar_StandardMain.Panels["ultraStatusBar_PanelWindows"].Appearance.FontData.SizeInPoints = 6;
Thanks and best regardsFrank Uray
Hello ,
When UltraStatusBar creates MDIButtonUIElement (button of MDIList, which represents button for MdiForm), it gets image from the form and also get image of the caption of the form.
This is the UITree of UltraStatusBar, which contains MDIList and displays one MDIButtonUIElement
UltraStatusBarUIElement, Location = {X=0,Y=0,Width=511,Height=23} [Active]
SizeGripUIElement, Location = {X=496,Y=8,Width=16,Height=16}
PanelUIElement, Location = {X=1,Y=3,Width=100,Height=19}
MDIButtonUIElement, Location = {X=2,Y=4,Width=98,Height=17}
ImageAndTextUIElementEx, Location = {X=3,Y=5,Width=96,Height=15}
ImageAndTextDependentImageUIElement, Location = {X=3,Y=5,Width=16,Height=16}
ImageAndTextDependentTextUIElement, Location = {X=19,Y=5,Width=80,Height=15}
As you can see this button actually is created by two images, that’s why you couldn’t change ForeColor, BackColor or Font of this element.
Please let me know if you have any further questions.
Hi HristoThanks for your answer.I dont really understand it, how can I change the BackColor of the buttons ?Thanks and best regardsFrank Uray
I am just checking about the progress of this issue. Let me know If you need my further assistance on this issue?
Thank you for using Infragistics Components.
Nver mind my last post. It had to do with the style of the statusbar.
Also, to answer my own question, the DrawElement is called for every item in the mdilist, so it should be possible to change the color of each individual item.
I was also interested in the answer to this question, so I tried your sample. It didn't seem to do anything actually. I am using version 9.2 though.
Also, if it would have been working, it would probably change the color of all items in the mdi list, right? Would there be a way to give every item in the mdilist its own color?