I need to display the saved Resource names in Edit mode of Infragistics Ganttview. How is it possibe. Please give me supporting codes.
I'm afraid I don't understand your question. Are you talking about AppStylist resources? Or GanttView resources/Owners?
Yes, GanttView resources/Owners
Hello Ikram,
As per our earlier conversation, resource names are not stored as a discrete field specific to resources, but are rather maintained as part of the AllProperties field of the task object, which is its own object collection.
To make resources available to the task, they must first be added to the UltraCalendarInfo component’s Owners collection.
Resources may then be added to the task by either typing the name into the resource names text field of the task or by accessing the TaskDialog and accessing the resource names dropdown, assigning it to that particular task.
When a task is being populated with data from a bound datasource, that datasource is being updated dynamically as the task is modified, (this includes resource names which are allocated to the task).
Reloading the modified tasks from your datasource should result in resources persisting for tasks where that are assigned.
Please let me know if you have any further questions.
Sincerely,Chris KDeveloper Support EngineerInfragistics, Inc.www.infragistics.com/support
I am still not sure what you are asking. Save them to what? Are you just asking how to loop through the tasks and read out the resource names of each one?
Please explain exactly what you are trying to do and I will be happy to try to help you.
yes. But How can i save and retrive those resource names.
Okay... I'm still not sure what you are asking. Can you please explain in more detail what you want.
The Resource Names column displays in the GanttView by default.