I want the floating pane to maximize on double click on the title bar? can some one pls let me know how to achieve this behavior. ? I want the same behavior as the panes behave in VS 2010. I am using 11.2 version of infragistics.
If the panes you are referring to are not mdi children, the Maximized property is for the state/size of the pane when it is in a group with another pane/other panes. If the pane is an mdi form you could set the 'WindowState' property to 'Maximized'. If your scenario is the first one and you do not like this behavior I could log a new product idea for you. Please let me know.
Hi Boris, Yes my scenario is first one. The pane I have are not mdi children. I wanted them to maximize if I double click on the title bar in floating state.