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Logarithmic grid lines : possible?


How can I use UltraChart with logarithmic grid lines for X or Y axes? I'm not speaking of logarithmic scale for X or Y axis, but to draw the grid itself, like what's shown in




  • 65


    I'm also trying to plot a lin-log scale using Infragistics 7.1.20071.1055.  I read somewhere that there is a bug with the log scale that may be present in this version.  Can someone confirm this?

    As a test, I've tried plotting the values 10 to 7400 in increments of 10 (so, 10, 20, 30 etc) and setting the Y-Axis to linear and the X-Axis to logarithmic.  The result is I'm getting a plot that looks like the following:

    Sorry, it might be hard to see, I am having trouble figuring out how to get pictures to show up nicely on this forum...

    1. Why am I showing two lines, shouldn't the plot show something similar to the green plot in the Wikipedia link quoted above?

    2. How do I make the X-Axis grid lines at equal distance.

    My chart is using these properties:

    m_Chart->Axis->X->MinorGridLines->Visible = true;

    m_Chart->Axis->X->LogBase = 10;

    m_Chart->Axis->X->NumericAxisType = NumericAxisType::Logarithmic;

    m_Chart->Axis->X->Extent = 24;

    m_Chart->Axis->X->TickmarkIntervalType = AxisIntervalType::NotSet;

    m_Chart->Axis->X->TickmarkStyle = AxisTickStyle::DataInterval;

    m_Chart->Axis->X->TickmarkInterval = 1;

    m_Chart->Axis->X->RangeMin = 1.0;

    m_Chart->Axis->X->RangeMax = 1000.0;

    m_Chart->Axis->X->RangeType = AxisRangeType::Custom;

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