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Speed problem with Excel Export Function


we need some help with the excel export function of the infragistics ultragrid version 11.2.


Our application handles a high amount of data (currently, over 35,000 rows. each row with 20 sub rows) and provides a functionality to export filtered (and non-filtered) data to an excelsheet.


The infragistics excel export function needs round-a-bout an hour to export the 700,000 rows (35,000 * 20) to an excelsheet.  Even if we try to export only a small amount of rows (place a row filter)!

 Technical details:

For each row we intercept the InitializeRow event and set some object properties:

If e.Row.IsFilteredOut Then
   e.SkipRow = True
   e.SkipDescendants = True
   e.Row.Band.ColHeadersVisible = False
   e.Row.Band.HeaderVisible = False
End If

We tried to export the rows with and without handling the InitializeRow event, but the result is the same.


We add a sample application to this post, which generates a xml file with 10000 main and 20 sub rows. This example shows the simplified way of our export procedure. All other parts of our export functionality have been checked for performance issues and we come to the conclusion that only the excel export function of the ultragrid can be the bottle neck of our application.

Our question is:

Is there an easier/faster way to export filtered grids with the excel exporter? Or we doing something basicly wrong?



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