We use the AppointmentsDataBinding to bind columns of a DataTable to the UltraCalendarInfo control.
If the UltraDayView is used to modify an occurrence of a recurring appointment (postpone one occurrence to a different time) a new variance is created and also stored in the database. But after reloading all appointments, the variant appointment is not show on the UltraDayView. The unmodified occurrence of the root appointment is shown instead.
The variant appointment exists within the database and is also loaded with the dataset but not shown on the UltraDayView.
If the variant appointment is created using the internal appointment dialog everything works fine.
Does anyone has a hint to this issue?
Please let me know which version of NetAdvantage you are using.
We are using NetAdvantage 11.2 CLR4x
Hello ,
In order to save recurrence appointment to the dataset, you should set DataBindingsForAppointments.AllPropertiesMember (this meant that you should has a column of type object in your underling data source). So when you create recurrence appointment and you delete specific occurrence, UltraCalendarInfo creates a new appointment into the data set, which is marked as deleted in AllProperties field , and if you weren’t set DataBindingsForAppointments.AllPropertiesMember, next time when you load the data, you will see additional appointment.
I have created a small sample in order to demonstrate you how to bind UltraCalendarInfoo correctly. In the sample I am using data set saved as xml.
Please let me know if you have any further questions
Thank you for your feedback. Based on this forum thread I have create a case for you in our system, in order to investigate this further for you. The case number is CAS-92163-3J7YRC, so I will update you via the case as soon as I have information for you.
Thank you for using Infragistics Components.
Hi Hristo,
thx for your example.
Using it showed the same issue with variances.
I use the following steps to create variances:
1. Open example2. I use dragAndDrop on the ultraDayView Control to move an existing recurring appointment to a different start-/endtime. A variance is created and indicated by the crossed-out recurrence icon on the lower right corner3. I hit the save button4. I close the example5. I reopen the example. The prior create variance is not displayed and the unchanged recurring appointment is displayed instead.
Checking the XmlData file, an entry for the variance is created but the ultraDayView does not display this variance.
If an occurrence is deleted, it works but if an occurrence is moved it does not.
PS: we now updated to 12.1
I also encounter such case , thanks Hriso, binding with "ALLProperties" solve my Problem finally. i have been stuck for almost more than 8 months. but i just wanna ask some whether i am doing wright or not.
Suppose there is an a Single Appointment ( then it would have ALLProperties = some byte value, and recurrence = null and recurrenceguid = null )
now i create a Recurrence ( then recurrence = some byte and allproperties = some byte and recurrenceguid = null)
now i am creating Varaince ( then recurence = null, recurrenceguid= Guid , allproperties = some byte)
I have seen this thing in my database table, its working Fine also, but just wanna make confirmation.
I am just checking about the progress of this issue. Let me know If you need my further assistance on this issue?
Thank you for using Infragistics Components