I am using ultra WinGanttView and I want to change the style of header of timeline section.I set it to day view but it show me only symbols like S M T W T F S S . I want that date should also come and how to change it dynamically?
Maybe one possible approach could be if you are using property "HeaderTextFormat = dddd"; Please take a look at the attached video file and screenshot for more details.
It's right ,but I want to do it dynamically.I have found some way to do it
ultraGanttViewProjects.TimelineSettings.PrimaryInterval = new DateInterval(1, DateIntervalUnits.Days); DateInterval newInterval = new DateInterval(1, DateIntervalUnits.Days); newInterval.HeaderTextFormat = "dd"; ultraGanttViewProjects.TimelineSettings.AdditionalIntervals.Add(newInterval);
This will show both date and day.