In my code I use (v11.2)
worksheet.Rows(rowIndex).Cells(columnIndex).CellFormat.FormatString = "# ##0,00"
But when open the resulting file in Excel the cell is not formatted properly and when I look at the cell properties in Excel in the Format Cells dialog I see the following : "#\ ## 000"
What should I use as the format string to get the correct "# ##0,00" also in Excel?
This looks like it might be a bug. You should be able to use this format string. I have forwarded this post to the Developer Support Manager and a DS engineer will be contacting you about this issue.
Are you sure that your keyboard is set to a Finnish (or European) keyboard when you type in that format string? I tried this myself and I was able to get the formatting the way you want it in the Excel file. However, I did not use the Worksheet. I handled the InitializeColumn event of the UltraGridExcelExporter and set the format string like so:
if (e.Column.Index == 1) { e.ExcelFormatStr = "### ### ##0.00"; }
But I found that the format string must be entered using a European keyboard, otherwise I did not get the decimal values.
So the numbers appear like this: 5 280,00
which I think is what you want.