DisplayLayout.Override.WrapHeaderText = DefaultableBoolean.True;
then property ColHeaderLines=7 of the Band doesn't work.
Is that right?
And if so, is there a way to increase Header height still having WrapHeaderText = DefaultableBoolean.True;
Thanks in advance.
I tried this out and got the same results. It looks like these two settings are contradictory. WrapHeaderText automatically sizes the height of the header to the text, so ColHeaderLines is ignored.
You could insert return characters into your column header captions if you want to break at certain places.
Hi Mike.
I'm trying to show 2 header lines.I used ColHeaderLines and WrapHeaderText.If I use WrapHeaderText and my column width is very small, then I see more than 2 lines in the column headers, so I turned that off.But then only one header line is used, except if I put a newline character somewhere in my text.This shouldn't be necessary...
I've whipped up a quick sample with a Label control with a height that can fit 2 lines of textAutoSize = falseAutoEllipsis = true
When the text cannot fit on one line, it automatically wraps to 2 lines, but the label is never resized.Because AutoSize is disabled, the label's height never becomes higher than 2 lines.
Is the same behaviour possible with the Column Header text?
There's no way to acheive this with the built-in functionality of the grid. You might be able to achieve is by setting ColHeaderLines to 2 and then using a DrawFilter to handle the drawing of the text. Is that what you want - to always use 2 lines?
Or do you also want the header to be one line if it's wide enough for all of the text to fit - sort've like a MaximumColHeaderLines? That would be extremely complicated and require you to get involved in measuring each header in advance to determine the number of lines needed and then making a second pass to draw the text.