Hi community
I'm using an ultranumericeditor on my form with nullable-property set to true.
Now, if I insert some value into it and remove the same again, the Value-property isn't null as I expected. It is of type DbNull.
Is that a bug? Or could I edit any settings to control that?
I'm using NetAdvantage 2011.1
Thx for helping me!
Is the control's Value bound to a DataSource? If so, I expect it's the DataSource using DBNull. In which case, you could handle the Parse/Format events on the Binding.
Hi Mike
Thanks for your reply.
No, it's an unbound control.
Control in Designer.cs:
// // numericEditor// this.numericEditor.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(124, 19);this.numericEditor.MaxValue = 120;this.numericEditor.MinValue = 1;this.numericEditor.Name = "tbLUExpirationDuration";this.numericEditor.Nullable = true;this.numericEditor.PromptChar = ' ';this.numericEditor.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(62, 21);this.numericEditor.SpinButtonDisplayStyle = Infragistics.Win.ButtonDisplayStyle.Always;this.numericEditor.SpinIncrement = 1;this.numericEditor.TabIndex = 15;this.numericEditor.Value = null;