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Error in ResX file? strings.resx

I get an error when i start to iterate thru the filename "..\Resources\\UltraChart\\ChartCore\\strings.resx" 

ResX file Type System.Drawing.Bitmap, System.Drawing in the data at line 826, position 4 cannot be located. Line 880, position 5. cannot be parsed.

_reader = new ResXResourceReader(filename);

ResourceCustomizer rc = new Infragistics.Shared.ResourceCustomizer();foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in _reader)


if (entry.Key != null && entry.Value != null)


rc.SetCustomizedString(entry.Key.ToString(), entry.Value.ToString());




  • 28496
    Offline posted

    the resx is valid for our purposes; i've never seen a scenario where an application tried to parse through it.  i don't think the ResourceCustomizer from Infragistics.Shared was designed to work with the chart.

    if you are using your own copy of the resx file, maybe you can just remove the offending bitmap resource and try again?  i don't think this code can effectively change the resource strings for the chart, though...

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