I dont want to show textInputPanel for ultragridcell which contain ultracomboeditor. Can u tell any property we can set
I don't know what you mean by "textInputPanel". Do you mean you do not want the user to be able to type text into the cell? If so, the what you can do is set the Style property of the grid column to DropDownList.
I am asking abt onscreen keyboard which comes in tabeltpc. i dont want to show for ultracomboeditors.
I am checking about the progress of this issue. Please let me know If you need any further assistance on this.
Could you please try to attach a small sample project with your scenario to your post, since I am not sure what you are doing here and was not able to reproduce the mentioned behavior and scenario.
Do u know abt Microsoft.Ink.TextInput.I am talking abt that controls
I believe that Mike is right and the panel you are talking about is coming up from the platform you are using and not our controls. Please let me know if I am not right here.
Oh. That panel is displayed by the operating system. I don't think there is any way to turn it off for any particular control. Is it possible to turn this off for the Inbox ComboBox?