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UpdateData and Grid with manually defined schema


I have a grid (Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.UltraGrid v11.1) editable and updateable, where I set it manually and run-time allocation of the Grid's DataSource to a DataSet manually defined,
Me.Grid.DataSource = pDataSet.Tables ("ARTICLES"):

  Private Sub FillArticles()
    Dim cm As IDbCommand
    Dim dp As IDataParameter

    'create command
    cm = cn.CreateCommand

    'create Adapter
    pAdArticulos = MDatos.DataAdapterCrear(cm)

    'create dataset
    pDataSet = New DataSet

    'create datatable
    pDtArticulos = New DataTable("ARTICLES")

    'add datatable to dataset
    pDtArticulos = pDataSet.Tables.Add("ARTICLES")

    'create el parameter
    dp = MDatos.ConexionParameter(cm, "ART_EMPRESA", pIdEmpresa)

    cm.CommandText &= "  FROM " & MDatos.BDOwner(cn, "EMRES_ARTICLES", "main")
    cm.CommandText &= " WHERE ART_EMPRESA = " & dp.ParameterName
    cm.CommandText &= " ORDER BY ART_ARTICULO"

    'fill dataset with table ARTICLES
    pAdArticulos.Fill(pDataSet, "ARTICLES")

    'define primary key
    pDtArticulos.PrimaryKey = New DataColumn() {pDtArticulos.Columns("ART_EMPRESA"), pDtArticulos.Columns("ART_ARTICULO")}

    'assigned DataSet to DataSource
    Me.Grid.DataSource = pDataSet.Tables("ARTICLES")

    Me.Grid.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).Columns("ART_EMPRESA").Hidden = True
    Me.Grid.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).Columns("ART_ARTICULO").Width = 120
    Me.Grid.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).Columns("ART_FAMILIA").Width = 220
    Me.Grid.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).Columns("ART_FAMILIA_ALTERNATIVA").Width = 220
  End Sub
When making any change, delete or insert a new row in the grid, the grid detects changes, and in the event AfterRowUpdate, I execute the UpdateData, but changes are not saved in the database. 
  Private Sub Grid_AfterRowUpdate(sender As Object, e As Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.RowEventArgs) Handles Grid.AfterRowUpdate
    'exit cell editing to save your changes

    Catch ex As Exception
      Throw ex
    End Try
  End Sub
How can I define it to save the changes automatically when you run Me.GridUdateData??? 

Thank for advance

(Any code example to set the grid's DataSource manually, please??), but changes are not saved in the database. 

  • 469350
    Offline posted


    There is no reason to call the UpdateData method inside AfterRowUpdate. That line of code will do nothing.

    UpdateData commits all changes in the grid to the underlying data source. AfterRowUpdate fires after the row's data has already been committed. So this is just redundant.

    ddol said:
    but changes are not saved in the database. 

    The grid has no direct interaction with the database - it only deals with the local data source. So writing changes from the DataSet back to the database is outside the grid's purview.

    Typically, you would use a DataAdapter to retrieve and update data to and from a DataSet. For more information on the DataAdapter, you will need to check out Microsoft's documentation.

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