How to omit Pencil like Symbol from Grid on Row Selectors.
If we visit a row, the above symbol get removed.
But initially the symbols displays on all All rows.
i want to eliminate this..
PLease help me to solve this issue.
The pencil indicates that there are changes in the grid row that have not been written to the underlying data source, yet.
So my guess is that you are setting the value of some grid cells in your code. In that case, there are two ways you can get rid of the pencil.
One way to do this would be to update the field in the data source instead the grid cell. The DataSource will notify the grid of the change and the grid will display it.
The other option is to tell the grid to commit the changes after you change the cell value. You do this by calling the Update method on the row.
A third option is to call the UpdateData method on the grid after all of the changes have been made to all of the cells. This would make sense if you are changing cell values in multiple rows inside a loop. You would finish all the changes and after the loop is complete, you can update the DataSource in one shot.
i just assgined datatable to Grid's Datasource...
ultragrid.datasource = dt
I want to hide that symbol just after loading Datasource..
i may or may not Update cell values..
Grid should't display that Pencil Symbol at any time...
Thank you mike for your response..
but i couldn't get through ur points..
Thanks n Regards,
very thankful to Mike & Volkov....
On Using ultragrid.UpdateData() on grid Enter event, i solved this issue..
Thank you both once again
Hello Janini,
One thing that you could try is the UpdateMode of the UltraGrid to be:ultraGrid1.UpdateMode = UpdateMode.OnCellChangeOrLostFocus;
and setting the UpdateData() method in the UltraGrid enter event like:private void ultraGrid1_Enter(object sender, EventArgs e) { ultraGrid1.UpdateData(); }or use Form Shown event and set the very same method there.
Please note that the pencil icon will be displayed while you are typing into the cells.If you have any other questions please feel free to let us know.
If you are just assigning the DataSource property of the grid, then the grid will not show the pencil icon. This icon will only display when there are changes made to the data in the grid that have not yet been written to the grid's DataSource.
So something in your code must be changing the data in code.