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Unable to Increase width of the last column in ultrawingrid

I have a multiband grid that has lots of columns (around 45). I have set the layout to Autoextendlastcolumn and after the grid id loaded, I want to increase the width of last column while not changing width of any other columns. Basically I want grid's total width to incease/decrease  if  I decide to resize my last column. This is not happening now.


Currently if I resize the width of my last column then the adjacent column's width decreases while the 1st visible column appeaer to increase in size in the scroll region.


May I know how can I fix this issue?

  • 469350
    Offline posted


    What you are asking for is contradictory. If you have set AutoFitStyle to ExtendLastColumn, then the grid will automatically adjust the width of the last column so that it fills the remaining space in the grid. So there is no way to make this column bigger without turning off AutoFitStyle.

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