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Validating "item in list" for UltraCombo/UltraComboEditor in UltraGrid


I hope this is the right forum, because my problem affects UltraCombo / UltraComboEditor as well.

We were able to adjust the settings for a standalone UltraCombo / UltraComboEditor, so that the user can search items by typing (DropDownStyle = DropDown, AutoCompleteMode = SuggestAppend) and get's a hint (by UltraValidator), when the typed text is not in the list.

Now we'd like to achieve the very same when the UltraComboEditor is placed as an EditorComponent on a GridCell. What we want is, that the user can type characters and get's suggestions (like AutoCompleteMode = SuggestAppend) and a hint is displayed in the cell, when no matching item for the entered text could be found.

We did a lot of searching and trying but didn't succeed. We observed, that when entering text which could not be found in the list, it's lasting much longer until the component recognizes, that no matching item could be found, when the UltraCombo is in a GridCell compared to a standalone UltraComboEditor.

What the heck is the UltraGrid doing meanwhile? Could you be so kind as to explain the matching-process in the grid-case? What is the appropriate way to achieve our desired solution?

We are using Infragistics v10.3 and the data for the lookup is delivered by a catalogue table (primkey as ValueMember and name as DisplayMember) and the value to be edited is a foreign-key in another table (e.g. fk_catalogue)).

Hope you can help us once more and thanks in advance,


No Data
  • 53790
    Suggested Answer

    Hello Roman,

    Maybe one possible way to achieve the desired behavior could be if you are using UltraControlContainerEditor. I try to reproduce your scenario using a UltraComboEditor with Validator and UltraGrid. Please take a look at the attached sample for more details and let me know if you have any questions.

