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Making text portion of UltraTextEditor Read-Only as EditorControl

I have what I thought was a fairly simple project.

An UltraGrid with 3 columns bound to a datatable.

Column Zero is a "plain" text column. Columns 1 & 2 are set with their EditorControl = an UltraTextEditor.

The UltraTextEditor has 1 Button in the ButtonsLeft collection & 2 Buttons in the ButtonsRight collection.

One of the buttons launches an OpenFileDialog which in turn returns a file path. I want to be able to display the file path string in the UltraTextEditor and thus in the resulting UltraGridCell but not let the user edit the string in the cell or the UltraTextEditor.

 I have everything working fine except I can't figure out how to set the cell & UltraTextEditor to be "read-only" and still allow the buttons in the UltraTextEditor to work.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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  • 135
    Verified Answer

      Try setting the ButtonDisplayStyle to Always and CellActivation to ActivateOnly for the column. But this will display the buttons for all rows in the column.
