I have the following DataSet structure (constructed as number of DataTables and corresponding DataRelations)
+ Table 1
+ 1 Child of Table 1
+ 2 Child of Table 1
+ Table 2
+ 1 Child of Table 2
+ 2 Child of Table 2
SetDataBinding() allows you to specify a name of a specific DataTable within the DataSet that you're binding, so binding either Table1 or Table2 works fine. However, what if I want to bind both Table1 and Table 2 at the same time? Do I have to create additional nodes and bind each to a specific DataTable out of the dataset? SetDataBinding() does not seem to take an array of top level tables to bind to.
I expect the resulting root level structure to look like this:
Any ideas? SetDataBinding(Dataset, null) results in all levels of tables being displayed as root tree elements....
This is basically the same question we discussed in your other thread. You cannot have nodes from two different data source in the same Nodes collection.
Mike - thanks for looking into that but I resolved or worked around the problem by manually creating all nodes/columnsets and checkboxes appear to work just fine that way. So no rush on this issue is required (at least on my behalf). Appreciate your help on this.
Hi Andre,
When do you need the fix? Have you mentioned to Developer Support that you are unable to wait? They may be able to escalate your issue and get you something sooner.
I've done exactly what you're suggesting - generating columnsets for each node that I add to the tree by hand in a freeform tree - production system and release schedule won't allow to wait for a fix. Thanks for your help.
You can add nodes to the tree manually if you set the DisplayStyle to FreeForm. Then you either assign a ColumnSet to the node or not, depending on what you want. But I don't think this will help you get what you want because I expect that the CheckBox style for the node still won't work. It's worth a shot, though.
I think your best bet is to wait for a fix.
Mike, is there a way to create a grid style node in the code? I am considering building the tree in the code now and played around with adding a node and then binding a data set with a table underneath (see below):
UltraTreeNode n = this.tree.Nodes.Add(StringKey, StringName);
n.Nodes.SetDataBinding(ds, tn.TableName);
This sort of works but results in two nodes being added to the tree - a parent 'Standard' node and a grid style node underneath. Is there a way to add just a grid style node to the three (or somehow hide the standard node if not)? Thanks.