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SetDataBindings Performance

I'm encountering a performance issue when I bind a dataset to a datagrid at runtime. Regardless of the speed of the initial data population, when I issue a "refresh" request, the dataset with the exact same query/results is taking twice as long to bind to the grid. I've read the document in this site that talks about a lot of the WinGrid performance issues and have tried a number of the suggestions with no success.

The logic follows a certain flow:

- separate routine populates a dataset (mygrdxData)

- if there are results, the SetDataBinding is executed to binds that data to the datagrid (see snippet below)

In the first execution the binding process takes about 5 seconds (1000 records with about 60 columns). The second execution takes about 11 seconds (same record, column count and actual data).

Why the doubling of time spent in SetDataBinding on requests subsequest to the first request? What can I do to eliminate this and/or reset grid back to "original state"?

Dim iTick As Integer = GetTickCount

grdx.DataBindings.Clear() : MaxRows = 0
If gfIsArrayFull(mygrdxData) OrElse (Not IsNothing(mygrdxData) AndAlso mygrdxData.Tables.Count > 0 AndAlso mygrdxData.Tables(0).Columns.Count > 0) Then
 'grdx.DisplayLayout.MaxBandDepth = 1 : grdx.SyncWithCurrencyManager = False
 grdx.SetDataBinding(mygrdxData, mygrdxData.Tables(0).TableName, False)
 MaxRows = mygrdxData.Tables(0).Rows.Count
End If
Debug.WriteLine("SetDataBinding(ms): " & CStr(GetTickCount - iTick))

  • 469350
    Offline posted


    What exactly do you mean when you say "refresh" request? I assume you mean that the same code you have here is being called again, so you are re-setting the grid's DataSource and DataMember to the same values?

    Out of curiosity - why do that? It's usually best to avoid doing that if you can, since you will lose all state information for any rows in the grid.

    Anyway... my guess is that the extra time is because the first time you bind the grid, it simply has to create the bands, columns, and rows. The second time you bind the grid, it not only has to create new objects, it has to dispose of all of the existing objects.

    Doubling the time seems a bit excessive for that process, so it might not be as efficient as it could be, but that's the only thing I can think of that would cause an increase in time.

    To verify that, you could break up the process by setting the grid's DataSource to null first and seeing if that takes 6 seconds and therefore accounts for the extra time.

    Either way, if you would like to post a small sample project here which demonstrates the behavior you are getting, I'd be happy to check it out and we can see if there is anything we (or you) can do to improve the performance.

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