I am trying to style the label positioned behind a checkbox. I want make it appear as if it is a box. Thus with a background color: childNode.Override.NodeAppearance.BackColorAnd then I want to give it a border... but I cannot seem to make it appear.And I would also like change the spacing between the label and the checkbox in front of it.
Any and all help will be welcome!
You can turn on borders for nodes by setting the BorderStyleNode property on the Override.
There's no way to adjust the spacing between the checkbox and the text of a node, though. Except maybe by adding spaces to the beginning of the text.
I'm having a problem with the borders.
I've simply added the ultratree control. The properties I have changed are:
.Override.BorderStyleNode -> Solid.Override.NodeAppearence.BorderColor -> Black
I get no borders drawn around the nodes. Am I missing something?
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And who's Mark? :)
Hi Mark,
I am using the version I downloaded back in March 2008. This was the .NET Advantage 2008 Match CLR3.5 version.
I cannot see any hotfixes for the software. Can you point me in the right direction please?
Hi Andez,
Are you sure you are not settin any other properties? I just tried this out by placing a new tree on a form and using the following code and it works fine for me:
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { this.ultraTree1.Nodes.Add(i.ToString()); } this.ultraTree1.Override.BorderStyleNode = Infragistics.Win.UIElementBorderStyle.Solid; this.ultraTree1.Override.NodeAppearance.BorderColor = Color.Black; }
Are you using the latest hot fix?