i would like to test, if the user clicked on an ultragrid's summary row. I tried to use UltraGrid.DisplayLayout.UIElement.ElementFromPoint() but that returned NULL. Is there any way to get this information?
Thanks for any reply.
What event are you using? Can you post the code you used for ElementFromPoint?
If you clicked on a summary and ElementFromPoint returns null, then my guess is that you passed in the wrong point.
I found my error. I used the following codeUIElement uieKlick = clickedGrid.DisplayLayout.UIElement.ElementFromPoint(grid.PointToClient(e.Location));within the MouseClick event handler. The correct code would beUIElement uieKlick = clickedGrid.DisplayLayout.UIElement.ElementFromPoint(e.Location);The problem was that i copied the code from other locations in my project where i didn't use e.Location but Control.MousePosition, which you have to compute into client coordinates, while e.Location are client coordinates.
Thanks for your reply