So is anyone else seeing the code values in a valuelist instead of the text when doing a print preview on the grid 2011.1? Dropdowns seem to be showing fine. Believe this was working fine many versions ago. Just trying to figure out if it's me or Memorex.
I have created a small sample with Infragistics 10.3 RTM, Infragistics 11.1 RTM and Infragistics 11.1 service release 2020 in order to reproduce your issue. Please see attached file. You will see that in PrintPreview you have exactly what you see in the grid. Please test your solution with the latest service release of Infragistics 11.1 and let me know for the results. Please let me know if I am missing something in my sample.
I am waiting for your response.
Tracked back through the versions if that might perhaps help some.
Worked in version 10.2
Stopped working in Version 10.3.
Hello ,
I will investigate this issue further to find why this code do not work properly, meanwhile you could use the approach that was shown in the sample in my previous post:
ValueList vl = new ValueList();
vl.ValueListItems.Add(1,"value1").Appearance.BackColor = Color.Red;
e.Layout.Bands[0].Columns[0].ValueList = vl;
I will update you for my findings as soon as I have information for you.
I just want to announce that this issue is fixed in Infragistics 11.1 service release 2042.
Thank you.
Thank you guys for setting up the ticket. Not a critical problem for me. The users can generate reports via another interface I have written that dynamically generates RDL's for ReportViewer that handles most of the reporting grid's. Appreciate all your help.
Hi Nick,
Maybe you did it this way so that you could keep separate collections of ValueLists for each band, rather than having all of the ValueLists in a single collection.
But either way, changing ValueListColection to List<ValueList>, or maybe Dictionary<string, ValueList> should be pretty easy to do with a minimum amount of code changes.
We will look into the bug, either way, but the workaround might be a good idea, anyway, and it will get you going sooner if this is a blocking issue.
I have created a support ticket for you with id CAS-70902-FZPQVH in order to investigate this issue further for you. I will update you for my finding via the case, as soon as I have information for you.
Hey Mike,
Long time since I've had a problem, knock on wood, and it seems very odd to me also. Yes I can imagine you are wondering why in the world do it this way. Nothing to do with appearances I only did that to make the debug of this issue as simple as possible. Actually we have an array of valuelistcollections with one level for each band and the valuelists are all retrieved using stored procedures all at once into the collections. When the grid is created the appropriate lists are assigned to the columns. The grids are built dynamically. Yes perhaps I could use the Valuelists collection on the grid and that may be the option needed. Seems there was some reason not too when I was doing the design back in 2003. Vaguely remember something about assigning value lists to different grids giving a appearance bug but I haven't crossed swords with that one in years.
Hope you have been doing well and everyone is appreciating your superior help over all these years.