So is anyone else seeing the code values in a valuelist instead of the text when doing a print preview on the grid 2011.1? Dropdowns seem to be showing fine. Believe this was working fine many versions ago. Just trying to figure out if it's me or Memorex.
I have created a small sample with Infragistics 10.3 RTM, Infragistics 11.1 RTM and Infragistics 11.1 service release 2020 in order to reproduce your issue. Please see attached file. You will see that in PrintPreview you have exactly what you see in the grid. Please test your solution with the latest service release of Infragistics 11.1 and let me know for the results. Please let me know if I am missing something in my sample.
I am waiting for your response.
Tracked back through the versions if that might perhaps help some.
Worked in version 10.2
Stopped working in Version 10.3.
I place my valuelists into a collection and use them when needed. I am not a c# person but I believe if you replace your InitializeLayout code with the following you will see the problem:
e.Layout.Bands[0].Columns[0].ValueList = (
) vlc.GetItem(0);