Impossible to edit expanded toolbar editable (custom!?) controls (like textboxes, updowns etc)
I found similar question here
Can we do something in order to be able not just select, but also to modify text values??
The link you posted is broken. Can you try posting it again?
This sounds like a bug that was fixed already. What version are you using? Also, have you downloaded the latest SR for that version?
I use the version 6.3, I can't (don't want, big project, unknow impact) change the Infragistics version in my project. Can I do something in that version?
That is a much older version which is no longer supported. I would provide a workaround if I knew of one, but the code has changed a lot since then, so I'm not sure what might fix the issue anymore. If you temporarily upgrade to the latest version, does the problem still occur?