Is it possible to display a button such that it is placed on the right of the screen? Is so, how?
Is the tool in a toolbar? If so, you can do it like this: set the UltraToolbar.Settings.FillEntireRow to True. Insert a LabelTool (with no caption) to the left of the tools you want right-aligned. Set the LabelTool.InstanceProps.Spring to True. At run-time, the LabelTool will take up all unused space in the toolbar and all tools to the right of it will be right-aligned in the Form.
Thanks Mike.
I displayed Button control right aligned using your approach.
It worked for me.
Is there some way to create and delete the LabelTool programmatically at runtime? I'd rather not do this using the designer because that triggers the creation of a .LIC file which requires checking out multiple files related to the project which requires undoing the checkout, etc., all of which is an avenue that introduces the potential errors that will cause problems for other programmers, hence we've instituted a policy that precludes doing things that trigger the creation of a LIC file and its attendent problems. If not then I'll bow to the inevitable and go through the designer.