Hi, I want to make a chart that has one column series and one line series in same chart. I also want to use the same two axis(x,y).
Lets say I have this dataset:
Col1 | Col2 | Col33400 | 4322 | 12300 | 1000 | 25994 | 1400 | 3
I want column 3 to be my x axis labels(string i know )
Column 1 is to be shown in my chart as columns
Column 2 is to be shown in my chart as a line.
Col 1 is budget amount, col2 is realAmount and col 3 is period (month)
The result Im after should look exacly like a Column Line Chart, but not have the same functionality.
Hope someone can help me.
I tried adding two different YXseries, but that didn't work. Maybe layering is what I need.
I'm getting really frustrated with the lack of documentation. Sure, there is plenty info on data members, but what I REALLY need is simple how to guides or examples that show how to use the different datamembers and functions.
DataTable dt = new DataTable();dt.Columns.Add("col1", typeof(int));dt.Columns.Add("col2", typeof(int));dt.Columns.Add("col3", typeof(string));dt.Rows.Add(new object[ {3400, 4322, "1"});dt.Rows.Add(new object[ {2300, 1000, "2"});dt.Rows.Add(new object[ {5994, 1400, "3"});
AxisItem xAxisColumn = new AxisItem(this.ultraChart1, AxisNumber.X_Axis);AxisItem xAxisLine = new AxisItem(this.ultraChart1, AxisNumber.X_Axis);AxisItem yAxis = new AxisItem(this.ultraChart1, AxisNumber.Y_Axis);xAxisColumn.DataType = AxisDataType.String;xAxisColumn.SetLabelAxisType = SetLabelAxisType.GroupBySeries;xAxisColumn.Labels.ItemFormat = AxisItemLabelFormat.ItemLabel;xAxisLine.DataType = AxisDataType.String;xAxisLine.SetLabelAxisType = SetLabelAxisType.ContinuousData;yAxis.DataType = AxisDataType.Numeric;yAxis.Labels.ItemFormat = AxisItemLabelFormat.DataValue;area.Axes.Add(xAxisColumn);area.Axes.Add(xAxisLine);area.Axes.Add(yAxis);
ChartLayerAppearance columnLayer = new ChartLayerAppearance();columnLayer.AxisX = xAxisColumn;columnLayer.AxisY = yAxis;columnLayer.ChartArea = area;columnLayer.ChartType = ChartType.ColumnChart;columnLayer.Series.Add(seriesColumn);
I am trying to so a similar chart. I have tried the ColumnLine chart but can not get it to work properly. Now I am trying to use a composite chart.
I tried the example from Max and it works, but I need to make a couple of changes. First I need two column data series with a legend for the column data.
For the line chart, I want to use a separate Y axis on the right of the chart.
I have attached a gif showing an example of how I want the chart to look.
I modified the code from Max as shown below. Now it only displays the line but no columns. Can someone please point out what I am doing wrong?
dt.Columns.Add("col1", GetType(Integer))
dt.Columns.Add("col3", GetType(Integer))
dt.Rows.Add(New Object() {2, 14, 12, "H1"})
dt.Rows.Add(New Object() {1, 9, 11, "H3"})
dt.Rows.Add(New Object() {4, 12, 9, "H5"})
dt.Rows.Add(New Object() {1, 8, 7, "H7"})
Me.UltraChart1.ChartType = ChartType.Composite
Dim xAxisLine As New AxisItem(Me.UltraChart1, AxisNumber.X_Axis)
xAxisColumn.DataType = AxisDataType.String
xAxisColumn.SetLabelAxisType = SetLabelAxisType.GroupBySeries
xAxisColumn.Labels.ItemFormat = AxisItemLabelFormat.ItemLabel
xAxisLine.DataType = AxisDataType.String
xAxisLine.SetLabelAxisType = SetLabelAxisType.ContinuousData
yAxis.DataType = AxisDataType.Numeric
yAxis.Labels.ItemFormat = AxisItemLabelFormat.DataValue
seriesColumn.Data.DataSource = dt
seriesColumn.Data.LabelColumn = "col4"
seriesColumn.Data.ValueColumn = "col2"
seriesColumn.Data.ValueColumn = "col3"
seriesLine.Data.DataSource = dt
seriesLine.Data.LabelColumn = "col4"
seriesLine.Data.ValueColumn = "col1"
ColumnLayer.AxisX = xAxisColumn
ColumnLayer.AxisY = yAxis
ColumnLayer.ChartArea = area
ColumnLayer.ChartType = ChartType.ColumnChart
LineLayer.AxisX = xAxisLine
LineLayer.AxisY = yAxis
LineLayer.ChartArea = area
LineLayer.ChartType = ChartType.LineChart
Me.UltraChart1.ColumnChart.SeriesSpacing = 1