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Multiple Bands in Grid should not become multiple outline levels in Excel

Dear Infragistics helpers,


my UltraWinGrid contains 2 Bands. Band(0) shows customer data, band(1) shows order data (per customer in band(0)).

When exporting to excel, the bands are automatically translated to outline levels. So in the Excel-Worksheet, I see only the customer data and these '+'-Buttons at the left. To see the order data in excel, I have to click on the '+' to open the grouped rows.

But I do not want to have the data in excel in hierarchical groups. Everything should be visible in the excel-sheet, and I don't need those '+'-buttons.


So I tried things like:

e.CurrentWorksheet.Rows(e.CurrentRowIndex).OutlineLevel = 0 in the InitializeRow-event, but with no effect.


Can you help me?

How can I prevent the excel-exporter from creating hierarchical outline levels?

Thank you
