When the June 28th patch is applied to existing Office installations XLS files generated by the Infragistics.Excel object are flagged as having a bad format and a "Do you want to continue?" dialog appears, if you say yes the file is opened successfully. XLSX files appear to be okay...
I'm currently using version 10.2.20102.2064, is there a later version that resolves this problem?
A final update. The problem was finally resolved by two changes:
1. I moved to 2010.3 with the latest patches applied. That got my small sample past the problem with setting document properties, but the warning still occurred in the production application.
2. In the application the problem was traced to clearing cell formats to “” rather than to “General”. That hadn’t been a problem in the past (with Excel itself), but it can trigger the problem with the new validation add-in…
Hello ,
I have created a support ticket for you with id CAS-68183-KHZQT5 in order to link your case with existing issue in our system, and when the fix is avalibe you will be notified.
Thank you.
I'm running 2151 at the moment (released on June 30th). I'll watch for something newer...
It might have something to do with the file creation. It's possible the Excel library is writing out slightly incorrect information that Microsoft Excel normally ignores because it is less strict, whereas the add-in catches these types of errors and reports them. It does sound like it might be the same bug that was fixed recently. I would recommend getting the latest SR. However, I don't believe the SR which contains this fix has been released yet. If not, it should probably be release in the next few days. Try installing that SR when it is released and let me know if you still experience the issue. Thanks.
One additional note. The patch is an Office Add-in. It wouldn't be present on the Windows 2003 Server it was tested on and shouldn't have anything to do with the file creation...