When the June 28th patch is applied to existing Office installations XLS files generated by the Infragistics.Excel object are flagged as having a bad format and a "Do you want to continue?" dialog appears, if you say yes the file is opened successfully. XLSX files appear to be okay...
I'm currently using version 10.2.20102.2064, is there a later version that resolves this problem?
Mike D,
I have tested on the following:
WinXP (32 bit) - Office 2003 / Office 2007 - Offilce File Validation Error occurs when attempting to open document.
Win7 (32 bit)- Office 2010 - No Error/Warning occurs when opening .xls document.
Don Verhagen
We have only tested creating the file under Windows XP x86 and Windows Server 2003 x64 R2. Opening it has only been done under Windows XP x86 (Office 2003 and Office 2007).
I don't think I was clear in what I really wanted to know. Has the problem ever occurred on a machine that was not running Windows XP? The reason I ask is a bug related to this was fixed recently but it only occurred when the Excel file was saved on a Windows XP machine. I think this issue might also be fixed by the same fix, but if you've experienced the issue on a Vista or Windows 7 machine, then it is probably not the same bug.
Yes, a hair under 85% of our users are on Windows XP (DoD, Defense Contractors, Suppliers). As I mentioned in the first post, it only pops up after the update is applied.
Since my last post I've also discovered that you don't even need to set any properties. A simple:
With mWorkbook.DocumentProperties End With
Will trigger the pop-up...
Are the files with the problem being written out on a Windows XP machine or does it happen with any machine?