I have used an appstylist for entire application. I would like to override the hot tracking property for one grid in a screen since there are some colour background are used in cells when mouse over i lost the background color of the cells in that row. I tried to reset the hot track appearance of Row and Cell as like as selected and active rows and cell appearance and enable those as false. But i am able to do it for selected, active but not for hot track. Is there any way to avoid hot tract property for the grid. Simply i dont want the Selected, Active and Hot track features of the grid. Please help me.
Hi Sabeer,
There is no easy way for the application to override the AppStylist setting for HotTracking.
Do you want to turn off the HotTracking for all of the grid in the application, or just some of them?
If you don't want hottracking on any grids, then the easiest thing to do is open up the isl file and remove any settings on the HotTracking state for the UltraGridRow (and maybe UltraGridCell) role.
If you need HotTracking on some grids and not others, then you will need to make some modifications to both your isl file and your application.
What you can do is create a new StyleSet in the isl file you are using and set the BasedOn to the current default StyleSet you are using (you probably only have one).
Then, you have to copy the HotTracking settings that you want from the original StyleSet onto the new one - and reset those settings (so they are not set) on the original StyleSet).
Then, in your application, you set the StyleSetName property on any grids where you want HotTracking enabled to the name of the new StyleSet that has the HotTracking appearances applied.
Hi Mike,
Thanks your answer.
I have created a new styleset and named different than the default one. Then removed the hot tracking for Grid Row in that, then i set the styleset name for the Grid which one i want to remove the hot tracking appearance. Now i have achieved.
Thanks again for your prompt and valuable support.